Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) is a cloud-based platform from Microsoft, used to assist employees in accessing both internal and external services. Services such as Microsoft 365 or internal cloud applications developed within an organization. Administrative Units in AzureAD are resources or containers for other Azure AD resources, such as…
How do you manage your alarms and incidents? In the event of an alarm, whether digital or physical, staff and workflows need to be administrated. How can you collect all information in one place, easily accessible for both you as a manager as well as for your staff doing the…
Almost everywhere you go, there is a constant reminder of the ever so on-going pandemic of 2020. COVID-19 is one of the greatest challenges modern society has faced in centuries and limits our social interactions, both in our private lives, but also at work. Many of us have been forced…
The pandemic of 2020 has affected our routines and lifestyles, both in private as well as in business. Although, in the aftermath of COVID-19’s harsh rampage across the globe new adaptive digital solutions are appearing; solutions which allow us to live or day-to-day life as good as possible. We at…
Bosbec Workflows offer many solutions and now you can export form results from Bosbec and present them on your web application. In this tutorial, you can build your own web extension and use make API-requests to export and present live results of your votes in a Bosbec form. This tutorial…