Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) is a cloud-based platform from Microsoft, used to assist employees in accessing both internal and external services. Services such as Microsoft 365 or internal cloud applications developed within an organization.

Administrative Units in AzureAD are resources or containers for other Azure AD resources, such as Microsoft users or groups, and are used for staff management and providing recourse permissions.

A limitation of this solution is that you have to manually alter your Administrative Units and these are only accessible via the Azure Portal. Is there another way to manage your organization’s administrative Units externally instead? With staff lists ready at hand, how can you import them to your Administrative Unit directly from your own applications?

Bosbec has developed a solution where you can add and/or remove users from an Administrative Unit, either by API-requests to the Bosbec platform or just as easily with an email containing a CSV file.

Using the Bosbec solution, you could manage your Administrative Unit without manually having to access the Azure Portal. Use this instruction manual to set up your Azure AD account for external management.

Workflow for managing your AzureAD Adminsitrative Unit

Our Workflow, the logical operations behind this service, connects to a Microsoft Azure Application and acts as a gateway between your application and the Microsoft Graph API.

This workflow can be further developed to handle bulk operations, or customized solution for your organization. Use Help as a resource to learn how to build, or try it out yourself in our low-code development platform Bosbec Workflow Builder.

Contact to get answers to questions and thoughts when you build your solutions in workflow builder, we’ll gladly help you through your development!

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