


Bosbec Staffing is a modern cloud service streamlining the work of your staffing inquiries. This saves time and money which can be invested in other parts of your business. Get started https://youtu.be/fDe7DLXBriY Thanks to the Workflow Engine, the platform Bosbec Staffing is built upon, you will be able to start…

This guide and the Approval Request template, which you can import via the workflow library, allows you to receive and approve, or reject, requests via email. Approval requests will require half the approval group to either approve or reject the proposal, or let a specific period of time pass, to…

When a crisis or incident occurs, it is important to have an established plan of communication between all parties involved to quickly identify the issue, find a solution, and return to normal operations with the least impact on the daily business as possible. Get started Bosbec Incident Communication Service is…